Sunday, 6 December 2009

Deploy DNSSEC at Authoritative DNS Servers

This document will guide us in deploy DNSSEC at authoritative DNS servers.

Summary of steps:
  1. Install or update tools(openssl and bind)
  2. DNSSEC enable each zone
  3. Periodic zone maintenance
Install or update tools

For install the last stable version of openssl without shared libraries follow the steps:

#tar -zxvf openssl-0.9.8l.tar.gz
#./config --prefix=/usr/local no-shared
#make test
#make install

For install the last stable version of Bind with openssl support follow the steps:

#tar -zxvf bind-9.6.1-P2.tar.gz
#./configure --with-openssl=/usr/local --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc/bind --localstatedir=/var
#make test
#make install

After install Bind determine whether the configuration is correct and that the installed version is that it is as default.

#named -V

BIND 9.6.1-P2 built with '--with-openssl=/usr/local' '--prefix=/usr/local/' '--sysconfdir=/etc/bind' '--localstatedir=/var/'

DNSSEC enable each zone

Edit your file "named.conf" and add the DNSSEC option:

dnssec-enable yes;

After this restart your named process.

Now we generate the keys for each zone.
For example we use the zone with the name foo and parent zone is .net
For generate the Zone Signing Key(ZSK) for each zone follow the steps:

#dnssec-keygen -a NSEC3RSASHA1 -b 1024 -n ZONE

the option NSEC3RSASHA1 only available for version BIND 9.6+, for more informations

#man dnssec-keygen

The result of ZSK generation it's some thing like this:

For generate the Key Signing Key(KSK) for each zone follow the steps:

#dnssec-keygen -f KSK -a NSEC3RSASHA1 -b 2048 -n ZONE

the option NSEC3RSASHA1 only available for version BIND 9.6+, for more informations

#man dnssec-keygen

The result of KSK generation it's some thing like this:

Note: if the generation of this keys it's too slow use the option -r /dev/urandom.

After we generate the keys have to include them in files of zone:

#echo -e "\$include\n\$include" >>

Sign the zone with the keys ZSK e KSK without extensions:

#dnssec-signzone -k -o -t -3 - -A

For more informations:

#man dnssec-signzone

Example of result of signature:
Signatures generated: 4
Signatures retained: 0
Signatures dropped: 0
Signatures successfully verified: 0
Signatures unsuccessfully verified: 0
Runtime in seconds: 0.011
Signatures per second: 574.122

Upon signature of zone is created a fine name

To verify that zone was properly signed:


Example of result:

zone loaded serial 2009051202 (signed)

Now edit your "named.conf" at zone section and change the name of the zone:

zone ""{
type master;
file ""

Upon restart the named process.

The last step it's send to parent the DS record. This record can be found in file

Periodic zone maintenance

Any time you modify a zone or at least every 30 days after last signature you must re-run dnssec-signzone. If you don't the zone will be stale.

Some resources - information about bind and dnssec
www.openssl - information about openssl

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